Nile Console includes a dashboard for managing tenants, as part of Nile’s multi-tenant authentication. It allows you, as a developer, to create, edit, and delete tenants, as well as manage users and configurations for each tenant.

This guide explains how to manage tenants using Nile Console. The same functionality is also available in the Nile CLI.

Dashboard Overview

You can access the tenant management dashboard by navigating to the “Tenants and Users” tab in the left sidebar of Nile Console.

Tenant Management Features

  • Creating new tenants
  • Editing tenant settings
  • Managing tenant users
  • Configuring tenant-specific settings

Common Tasks

Creating a New Tenant

To create a new tenant, click the “Create Tenant” button in the top right corner of the dashboard. Then fill in the tenant name and click “Create”. This is the equivalent of running insert into tenants (name) values ('<tenant_name>') in SQL or nile tenants create --name <tenant_name> in the CLI.

Configuring Tenant Settings

To configure tenant settings, click on the tenant you want to configure.

In the “Profile” tab, you can modify the tenant’s name. Simply click on the pencil icon next to the current name and type in the new name.

Nile Auth also supports tenant-specific authentication providers. To configure a tenant’s authentication provider, click on the “Configuration” tab and select the providers you want to use.

Managing Tenant Users

To manage tenant users, click on the tenant you want to manage and then click the “Users” tab.

In this tab, you can see a list of all the users that are part of the tenant.

To remove a user from the tenant, click the “Delete” button next to the user you want to delete. Note that this will revoke the user’s access to the tenant, but they will still exist in the database and can still authenticate with the other tenants.

You can also edit the user’s name or email address by clicking on the field and typing in the new value.

You can click the “Add User” button to add an existing user to the tenant.

Or you can create new users and they will be added to the tenant automatically:

Deleting a Tenant

To delete a tenant, click on the tenant you want to delete and then click the “Delete” button. Note that the tenant will not be deleted from the database - this is a soft delete, it will be marked as deleted and users will no longer be able to access it. But the tenant and all of its data will still exist in the database and can be undeleted if needed.

If you need to truly delete the tenant, you can do this directly in the database by running the following SQL command:

DELETE FROM tenants WHERE id = '<tenant_id>';

This guide explains how to manage tenants using the Nile Auth Dashboard.

Best Practices

  • Give tenants clear, descriptive names that help identify the organization (e.g., “Acme Corp - Production” rather than just “Acme”)
  • The tenants table is yours! You can add fields to it to store any information you need about the tenant - stripe customer id, subscription tier, etc.
  • Remove inactive users promptly to maintain security
  • Regularly audit tenant access permissions
  • Monitor for unusual activity patterns

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