Learn about user management concepts in Nile Auth, including how to create, update, and manage users and their sessions.

User Model

The User model in Nile Auth defines the structure of a user object. It includes both basic and custom properties to meet the needs of your application.

interface User {
  id: string;
  email: string;
  name?: string | null;
  familyName?: string | null;
  givenName?: string | null;
  picture?: string | null;
  created: string;
  updated?: string;
  emailVerified?: string | null;
  tenants: { id: string }[];

User Properties

Basic Properties

  • Email: The user’s email address. This is true across all users of a database
  • Profile information: Includes details like the user’s name, contact info, and other relevant data, along with any tenants the user is associated.

User Operations

Creating Users

To create a new user, you can make a POST request to the /users endpoint.

const newUser = await nile.api.users.createUser({ email: 'user@example.com', password: 'user1' });

Adding users

When a user is created, they are not automatically added to a tenant, unless newTenant is present. Users can only add other users to tenants of which they are a member. To add a user to a tenant, use linkUser

const user1 = await nile.api.users.createUser({ email: 'user1@example.com', password: 'user1', newTenant: 'myTenant' });
const user2 = await nile.api.users.createUser({ email: 'user2@example.com', password: 'user2' });
// make user1 and user2 part of the same tenant
const updated2 = await nile.api.users.linkUser(user2.id);

Updating Users

Because users are isolated to their own session, existing user update themselves via PUT method. A custom endpoint would need to be created in order for one user to update the information of another.

const updatedUser = await nile.api.users.updateMe({ name: 'user1' });

Deleting Users

Because user accounts are isolated, one user is unable to delete another. It is possible remove a user from a tenant from the built-in API. In order to to that, use unlinkUser

const unlinked = await nile.api.users.unlinkUser(user2.id);

User Authentication

Password-based Authentication

Password-based authentication is not recommended for production applications. Use social authentication or other secure methods instead.

You can authenticate users using their email and password. After a successful login, a session token in for form of a JWT is returned. All other forms use a session token saved in the database. For demonstration purposes, we are using the server-side methods. It would be rare to do this in a real application.

// Example password authentication - not recommended for production
const session = await nile.api.login({
  email: 'user@example.com',
  password: 'password123',

Social Authentication

Nile Auth also supports social authentication via OAuth providers such as Google or Facebook. In order to configure this, see Single Sign On

User Sessions

A session is always within the context of a request. You can access session data using:

const session = await nile.api.session(req);

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