Prisma is a popular ORM. It is a flexible tool for managing database migrations. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of setting up Prisma in a project and running several migration scenarios.

Setting Up an New Prisma project


Create a new project (or clone our example project)

mkdir hello-prisma
cd hello-prisma
# Initialize a new npm project
npm init -y
# Install and initialize typescript
npm install typescript tsx @types/node --save-dev
npx tsc --init
# Install and initialize Prisma
npm install prisma --save-dev
npx prisma init --datasource-provider postgresql

If you’d like to clone our example project, you can do so with the following command:

git clone
cd niledatabase/examples/migrations/prisma

Configure your environment

# Create a .env file
touch .env
# Add your database connection string to the .env file
echo "DATABASE_URL='postgresql://user:password@host:5432/dbname'" >> .env

You can get your connection string from the Nile console under the “Connections” page.

Using Prisma with Nile in development

Nile has built-in tables that can be useful in your project. Especially the tenants table, which is used to store tenant information.

Therefore, we recommend first pulling in the built-in tables to your project, and then starting to build your own tables.


Pull in the built-in tables

npx prisma db pull

This will generate the schema.prisma file with the built-in tenants table.


Generate Prisma client

npx prisma generate

Add your own tables

To add your own tables, you can edit the schema.prisma file and add your own models. For example:

  model posts {
  id        String  @default(dbgenerated("public.uuid_generate_v7()")) @db.Uuid
  tenant_id String  @db.Uuid
  title     String
  content   String?
  authorId  String
  @@id([id, tenant_id])

Push changes to the database

npx prisma db push

Using Prisma with Nile in production

db pull and db push work well in development, where you can evolve the schema without tracking every change.

However, in production, we recommend using tracked migrations to ensure that the schema is always in sync with the code.

Because Nile has a built-in tenants table, we first create a baseline migration that will include the built-in tables, and then create additional migrations for our own tables.


Create a baseline migration

If you don’t yet have a schema.prisma file with the built-in tables, start by creating one:

npx prisma db pull

Then, create a baseline migration:

mkdir -p prisma/migrations/0_init

npx prisma migrate diff \
--from-empty \
--to-schema-datamodel prisma/schema.prisma \
--script > prisma/migrations/0_init/migration.sql

Apply the baseline migration

npx prisma migrate resolve --applied 0_init

Create a migration for your own tables

Now, lets modify the schema to include our own tables. For example, we’ll add a posts table to schema.prisma. If you already have this table in your schema, you can add a column instead.

model posts {
  id        String  @default(dbgenerated("public.uuid_generate_v7()")) @db.Uuid
  tenant_id String  @db.Uuid
  title     String
  content   String?
  authorId  String
  @@id([id, tenant_id])

Now, we’ll create a migration for this change by comparing the existing schema in the DB (the datasource) with the new schema in schema.prisma (the datamodel).

While both the datasource and datamodel are in the same file, the first will refer to the datasource definition in the schema.prisma file while the second will refer to the model itself.

mkdir -p prisma/migrations/1_add_posts
npx prisma migrate diff \
--from-schema-datasource prisma/schema.prisma \
--to-schema-datamodel prisma/schema.prisma \
--script > prisma/migrations/1_add_posts/migration.sql

Prisma docs recommend generating migrations with npx prisma migrate dev. However, this will not work for Nile because the npx prisma migrate dev command starts by attempting to “reset” a shadow database by dropping all tables. This is not possible in Nile because the built-in tables are required for core functionality.


Apply the migration

Last but not least, we can apply the migration to the database:

npx prisma migrate deploy

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