The quantile extension provides efficient computation of quantiles and percentiles in PostgreSQL. It’s particularly useful for statistical analysis, performance monitoring, and data distribution understanding. Your Nile database arrives with the quantile extension already enabled.

Understanding Quantiles

A quantile divides a dataset into equal-sized groups. Common examples include:

  • Median (50th percentile)
  • Quartiles (25th, 50th, 75th percentiles)
  • Percentiles (dividing data into 100 groups)
  • Custom quantiles (any division between 0 and 1)

Quick Start

Let’s explore quantile calculations with practical examples.

Creating a Table with Sample Data

-- Create a table for response times
CREATE TABLE api_responses (
    tenant_id uuid,
    id INTEGER,
    endpoint TEXT,
    response_time_ms INTEGER,
    PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, id)

-- Create an index on response time for better performance
CREATE INDEX idx_response_time ON api_responses(response_time_ms);
-- Create a tenant first
INSERT INTO tenants (id, name) VALUES
  ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 'Tenant 1');

-- Insert sample response times across different hours
INSERT INTO api_responses (tenant_id, id, endpoint, response_time_ms, timestamp) VALUES
    -- Data for current hour
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 1, '/api/users', 45, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 2, '/api/users', 52, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 3, '/api/users', 138, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),
    -- Data from 1 hour ago
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 4, '/api/users', 42, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1 hour'),
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 5, '/api/users', 58, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1 hour'),
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 6, '/api/users', 95, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1 hour'),
    -- Data from 2 hours ago
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 7, '/api/orders', 123, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '2 hours'),
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 8, '/api/orders', 95, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '2 hours'),
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 9, '/api/orders', 167, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '2 hours'),
    -- Data from 3 hours ago
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 10, '/api/products', 67, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '3 hours'),
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 11, '/api/products', 72, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '3 hours'),
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 12, '/api/products', 158, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '3 hours');

Basic Quantile Calculations

Calculate median response time:

SELECT quantile(response_time_ms, 0.5) as median_response_time
FROM api_responses;

Calculate multiple percentiles:

    quantile(response_time_ms, 0.5) as p50,
    quantile(response_time_ms, 0.90) as p90,
    quantile(response_time_ms, 0.95) as p95,
    quantile(response_time_ms, 0.99) as p99
FROM api_responses
GROUP BY endpoint;

Rolling Percentiles Example

-- Calculate rolling percentiles for API response times
    endpoint as service,
    date_trunc('hour', timestamp) as hour,
    quantile(response_time_ms, ARRAY[0.5, 0.90, 0.95, 0.99]) as percentiles
FROM api_responses
WHERE timestamp >= NOW() - INTERVAL '24 hours'
GROUP BY endpoint, date_trunc('hour', timestamp)
ORDER BY service, hour;

This query will show you the 50th, 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles of response times for each API endpoint, grouped by hour over the last 24 hours.

Common Use Cases

  1. Performance Monitoring

    • Response time percentiles
    • Resource usage distribution
    • SLA compliance monitoring
  2. Financial Analysis

    • Price distribution analysis
    • Risk assessment
    • Portfolio performance metrics
  3. Quality Control

    • Process variation monitoring
    • Outlier detection
    • Manufacturing tolerances

Additional Resources

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