The prefix extension provides efficient prefix (starts-with) search functionality in PostgreSQL. While it’s useful for implementing autocomplete features and prefix-based filtering, it’s particularly important in telephony applications where call routing and costs depend on matching phone numbers to operator prefixes. Your Nile database arrives with the prefix extension already enabled.

A prefix search finds strings that begin with a specific pattern. In telephony applications, this is crucial for:

  • Matching phone numbers to carrier prefixes
  • Determining call routing paths
  • Calculating call costs based on destination
  • Identifying geographic regions from area codes

For example:

  • “1212” is a prefix for all London phone numbers starting with “1212”
  • “+1” is a prefix for North American numbers
  • “91” is a prefix for calls to India

Quick Start

Let’s walk through some common prefix search operations using telephony examples.

Creating a Table for Phone Prefixes

-- Create a table for phone number prefixes
CREATE TABLE phone_prefixes (
    prefix prefix_range,
    carrier TEXT,
    region TEXT,
    rate_per_minute DECIMAL(10,4)

-- Create a prefix index on the prefix column
CREATE INDEX idx_prefix ON phone_prefixes USING gist(prefix);

Inserting Sample Data

-- Insert sample phone prefixes
INSERT INTO phone_prefixes (id, prefix, carrier, region, rate_per_minute) VALUES
    (1, '1212', 'UK Telecom', 'London', 0.02),
    (2, '1', 'US Carrier', 'North America', 0.01),
    (3, '91', 'India Tel', 'India', 0.05),
    (4, '44', 'UK Mobile', 'United Kingdom', 0.03),
    (5, '86', 'China Tel', 'China', 0.04),
    (6, '972', 'Israel Tel', 'Israel', 0.06);

Basic Phone Number Queries

Find carrier and rate for a specific phone number:

-- Find the matching prefix for a phone number
-- You should see that '1212' and 'UK Telecom' are returned
SELECT prefix, carrier, rate_per_minute
FROM phone_prefixes 
WHERE prefix @> '12125551234'
ORDER BY length(prefix) DESC

Call Cost Calculations

-- Create a table for call records
CREATE TABLE call_records (
    tenant_id uuid,
    id INTEGER,
    caller_number TEXT,
    callee_number TEXT,
    duration_minutes INTEGER,
    PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, id)

-- Insert sample call records
INSERT INTO call_records (tenant_id, id, caller_number, callee_number, duration_minutes) VALUES
    ('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', 1, '12125550123', '912234567890', 5),
    ('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', 2, '14155550123', '442087654321', 3),
    ('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', 3, '16175550123', '861234567890', 8);

-- Example query to calculate call costs directly
    (cr.duration_minutes * pp.rate_per_minute) as cost
FROM call_records cr
    SELECT rate_per_minute
    FROM phone_prefixes
    WHERE prefix @> cr.callee_number
    ORDER BY length(prefix) DESC
    LIMIT 1
) pp ON true;

Call Router Implementation

-- Create a table for routing rules
CREATE TABLE routing_rules (
    tenant_id uuid,
    id INTEGER,
    prefix prefix_range,
    route_to TEXT,
    priority INTEGER,
    PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, id)

-- Create prefix index
CREATE INDEX idx_routing ON routing_rules USING gist(prefix);

-- Insert sample routing rules
INSERT INTO routing_rules (tenant_id, id, prefix, route_to, priority) VALUES
    ('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', 1, '1212', 'london-gateway-1', 100),
    ('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', 2, '1', 'us-gateway-main', 50),
    ('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', 3, '91', 'india-gateway-1', 75),
    ('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', 4, '44', 'uk-gateway-main', 80),
    ('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', 5, '86', 'china-gateway-1', 70);

-- Find route for a number
SELECT route_to
FROM routing_rules
WHERE prefix @> '12125551234'
ORDER BY priority DESC, length(prefix) DESC


The prefix extension introduces operators on prefix ranges:

  • @>: Checks if the prefix range contains the given number or range
  • <@: Checks if the prefix range or numberis contained within another prefix range
  • &&: Checks for overlapping prefix ranges
  • |: Is union of two prefix ranges
  • &: Is intersection of two prefix ranges

In addition, operators <=, >=, <, >, =, <> are supported for prefix ranges.

Common Use Cases

  • Telephone number routing
  • Call cost calculation
  • Carrier and geographic prefix matching
  • Product SKU searches (e.g., finding all products starting with ‘ELEC-’)
  • URL path routing and matching
  • File system path lookups

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