The pgRouting extension extends PostgreSQL and PostGIS to provide geospatial routing and network analysis functionality. It enables you to perform shortest path calculations, traveling salesperson solutions, and other routing operations on spatial networks like road networks. Your Nile database arrives with the pgRouting extension and its dependency postgis already enabled.

Understanding pgRouting

pgRouting works with network topologies stored in PostgreSQL/PostGIS. A network topology consists of:

  • Vertices (nodes/intersections)
  • Edges (segments/roads)
  • Costs (distance, time, or other metrics)

Key Features

  • Multiple Routing Algorithms: Dijkstra, A*, Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP)
  • Flexible Cost Calculations: Support for distance, time, and custom cost functions
  • Turn Restriction Support: Handle real-world routing constraints
  • Dynamic Cost Updates: Modify costs based on traffic or other conditions
  • Large Network Support: Efficient handling of large road networks

Usage Examples

Let’s create a simple road network and perform various routing operations.

Creating the Network Table

-- Create a table for our road network
    name VARCHAR(100),
    source BIGINT,  -- Pre-assigned source node ID
    target BIGINT,  -- Pre-assigned target node ID
    cost FLOAT,
    reverse_cost FLOAT,
    length_m FLOAT,
    the_geom geometry

-- Create indices for better performance
CREATE INDEX roads_source_idx ON roads(source);
CREATE INDEX roads_target_idx ON roads(target);
CREATE INDEX roads_geom_idx ON roads USING GIST(the_geom);

Inserting Sample Data

-- Insert sample road segments with pre-defined source/target nodes
INSERT INTO roads (name, the_geom, length_m, cost, reverse_cost, source, target) VALUES
    ('Main St', 
     ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(-122.678 45.526, -122.675 45.526)', 4326),
     300, 300, 300, 1, 2),
    ('Oak Ave', 
     ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(-122.675 45.526, -122.675 45.524)', 4326),
     200, 200, 200, 2, 3),
    ('Pine St', 
     ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(-122.675 45.524, -122.678 45.524)', 4326),
     300, 300, 300, 3, 4);

Basic Shortest Path Query

Using Dijkstra’s algorithm:

-- Find shortest path between two points
SELECT seq, node, edge, cost
FROM pgr_dijkstra(
    'SELECT id, source, target, cost FROM roads',
    1,  -- starting vertex
    3,  -- ending vertex
    directed := false

When you have geographic coordinates:

SELECT seq, node, edge, cost
FROM pgr_astar(
    'SELECT id, source, target, cost, 
            ST_X(ST_StartPoint(the_geom)) AS x1,
            ST_Y(ST_StartPoint(the_geom)) AS y1,
            ST_X(ST_EndPoint(the_geom)) AS x2,
            ST_Y(ST_EndPoint(the_geom)) AS y2
     FROM roads',
    1,  -- starting vertex
    3,  -- ending vertex
    directed := false

Driving Distance

Find all reachable nodes within a certain cost:

SELECT node, edge, cost
FROM pgr_drivingDistance(
    'SELECT id, source, target, cost FROM roads',
    1,    -- starting vertex
    1000, -- maximum cost
    directed := false

Common Use Cases

  • Navigation systems
  • Delivery route optimization
  • Service area analysis
  • Emergency response planning
  • Public transport routing
  • Traffic impact analysis


  • Memory usage increases with network size
  • Some algorithms have exponential complexity
  • Real-time updates can be challenging
  • Turn restrictions increase complexity
  • Limited support for time-dependent routing

Additional Resources

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