The isn extension provides data types for international product and publication numbering standards, including ISBN (books), ISMN (music), ISSN (serials), EAN13 (products), and UPC (products). It handles validation, formatting, and conversion between different standards.

Your Nile database arrives with the isn extension already enabled.

Data Types

The extension provides several data types:

  • isbn - International Standard Book Number (ISBN-13 and ISBN-10)
  • ismn - International Standard Music Number
  • issn - International Standard Serial Number
  • ean13 - European Article Number (includes UPC)
  • upc - Universal Product Code

Basic Usage

Here’s how to use the ISN types with a product catalog:

CREATE TABLE products (
    tenant_id uuid NOT NULL,
    id integer NOT NULL,
    title text,
    isbn isbn,          -- For books
    ean13 ean13,       -- For general products
    upc upc,           -- For North American products
    PRIMARY KEY(tenant_id, id)

CREATE TABLE publications (
    tenant_id uuid NOT NULL,
    id integer NOT NULL,
    title text,
    issn issn,         -- For magazines/journals
    ismn ismn,         -- For music publications
    PRIMARY KEY(tenant_id, id)

-- Insert sample book data
INSERT INTO products (tenant_id, id, title, isbn) VALUES
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 1, 'Sample Book 1', '978-0-7475-3269-9'),  -- ISBN-13
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 2, 'Sample Book 2', '0-7475-3269-9');      -- ISBN-10

-- Insert sample product data
INSERT INTO products (tenant_id, id, title, ean13) VALUES
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 3, 'Sample Product 1', '4006381333931'),
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 4, 'Sample Product 2', '0012345678905');

-- Insert sample publication data
INSERT INTO publications (tenant_id, id, title, issn, ismn) VALUES
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 1, 'Science Journal', '0317-8471', null),
    ('d1c06023-3421-4fbb-9dd1-c96e42d2fd02', 2, 'Music Score', null, 'M-2306-7118-7');

Number Validation and Formatting

The ISN types automatically validate check digits and can handle various input formats:

-- ISBN validation and formatting
    '978-0-7475-3269-9'::isbn as valid_isbn,  -- Works
    '978-0-7475-3269-X'::isbn as invalid_isbn; -- Fails check digit

-- Format conversion (ISBN-10 to ISBN-13)
    isbn13('0-7475-3269-9'::isbn) as isbn13,
    isbn('978-0-7475-3269-9'::isbn) as isbn10;

-- EAN13/UPC validation
    '4006381333931'::ean13 as valid_ean,      -- Works
    '4006381333932'::ean13 as invalid_ean;    -- Fails check digit

Common Use Cases

Product Lookup

-- Look up a book by ISBN
SELECT title, isbn 
FROM products 
WHERE isbn = '978-0-7475-3269-9'::isbn;

ISBN Range Management

-- Find books in a specific ISBN publisher range
SELECT title, isbn
FROM products
    isbn IS NOT NULL 
    AND isbn13(isbn)::text LIKE '978-0-7475-%';

-- Group books by publisher prefix
    substring(isbn13(isbn)::text, 1, 8) as publisher_prefix,
    count(*) as book_count
FROM products
GROUP BY publisher_prefix;

Performance Considerations

  • ISN types are stored efficiently as 64-bit integers internally
  • Validation and check digit calculation is performed on input
  • Indexes work efficiently with all ISN types
  • Conversion between formats (e.g., ISBN-10/13) is fast

Best Practices

  1. Always use the appropriate type for each standard
  2. Handle input format variations in your application
  3. Use the built-in conversion functions rather than implementing your own
  4. Consider indexing frequently searched ISN columns

For more details, refer to the PostgreSQL ISN documentation and the relevant standards:

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