Workspaces in Nile help you organize your databases and resources. This guide covers the commands available for managing workspaces.

nile workspace [command] [options]

Available commands:

  • list - View all available workspaces
  • show - Display current workspace details

Setting Active Workspace

Before using workspace commands, you can set your active workspace:

nile config --workspace <workspaceName>

You can also use the NILE_WORKSPACE environment variable:

Environment Variable
export NILE_WORKSPACE=production

Listing Workspaces

The list command shows all workspaces you have access to.

nile workspace list [options]


--formatOutput format (human, json, csv)human


List Examples
# Basic list
nile workspace list

# JSON format
nile workspace list --format json

# CSV format
nile workspace list --format csv

Showing Current Workspace

The show command displays details about your current workspace.

nile workspace show [options]


--formatOutput format (human, json, csv)human


Show Examples
# Show current workspace
nile workspace show

# JSON format
nile workspace show --format json

# CSV format
nile workspace show --format csv

Sample Output

Common Workflows

Setting Up Development Environment

Development Setup
# 1. List available workspaces
nile workspace list

# 2. Set active workspace
nile config --workspace development

# 3. Verify workspace
nile workspace show

# 4. List databases in workspace
nile db list

Workspace Verification

Verification Workflow
# 1. Check current workspace
nile workspace show

# 2. List all workspaces
nile workspace list

# 3. Verify access
nile db list  # Lists databases in current workspace

Common Issues

No Active Workspace

When no workspace is selected:

No Workspace
# Try command without workspace
nile db list
Error: No workspace specified

# Solution: Set workspace
nile config --workspace development

Authentication Issues

When authentication is required:

Auth Issues
# Authentication error
nile workspace list
Error: Authentication required

# Solution: Login first
nile connect login

Invalid Workspace

When workspace doesn’t exist:

Invalid Workspace
# Try invalid workspace
nile config --workspace nonexistent
Error: Workspace 'nonexistent' not found

# Solution: List available workspaces
nile workspace list

Best Practices

  1. Environment Variables: Use environment variables for different contexts:

    # Development
    export NILE_WORKSPACE=development
    # Production
    export NILE_WORKSPACE=production
  2. Configuration File: Set default workspace in configuration:

    nile config --workspace default-workspace
  3. Verification: Always verify workspace before critical operations:

    nile workspace show
  • nile config - Configure CLI settings
  • nile db list - List databases in workspace
  • nile connect - Authentication management
  • nile tenants - Tenant management within workspace