Command line interface for managing Nile databases

Terminal Installation
Getting Started with Nile CLI
Nile CLI is a powerful command-line tool that helps you manage your Nile databases directly from your terminal. With Nile CLI, you can:
- Create and manage databases across multiple regions
- Handle multi-tenant applications with built-in tenant management
- Connect to your databases using standard PostgreSQL tools
- Manage workspaces and configurations
The code is available on Github. You are welcome to contribute to the project.
Quick Start
There are three ways to authenticate with Nile:
- Browser-based Authentication (Recommended)
- API Key Authentication
- Environment Variables
Authentication Methods
Basic Configuration
Before using the CLI, you should set up your workspace and default database:
Basic Setup
Output Formats
The CLI supports multiple output formats for easy integration with other tools:
Output Examples
Platform Requirements
The CLI requires:
- Node.js v16 or later
- npm, yarn, or bun package manager
- PostgreSQL command line tools (for database connections)
Version Check Commands
Common Workflows
Here are some common workflows to get you started:
Setting Up a New Database
Database Setup Example
Managing Tenants
Tenant Management Examples
Getting Help
The CLI includes comprehensive help for all commands:
Help Examples
When things go wrong, use the debug flag for detailed output:
Debug Commands
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