Hello Developer! Our REST API has been designed to provide you a secure, straightforward interface for interacting with Nile. We speak JSON, use standard HTTP verbs, return standard HTTP response codes, and strive for no surprises.
The root URL for all requests is
Most requests require that you specify your workspace slug and database name in the URL path. For example:
Rate limiting
The API is currently subject to our terms of service. We may introduce rate limits in the future.
User Authentication
User login and sign-up requests return an authentication token in the form of a JWT. This token must be included in the Authorization
header of all subsequent requests as a Bearer
- For more details, see the Create User and Login User operations.
- Check out our user management examples to see usage in an application.
Login a user with the email address and password provided during sign-up.
curl '<string>/databases/<string>/users/login' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"email": "<string>",
"password": "<string>"
The response will include the user id, tenant list, and token with metadata.
"id": "018b6216-27a1-7e2b-aa83-67d7ba500982",
"tenants": [
"token": {
"jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3RoZW5pbGUuZGV2IiwiYXVkIjpbImRhdGFiYXNlOjAxOGI2MWJjLWNmMmMtNzM5Mi05MmE2LWYxYTgxMWNmNDQxOSIsIm5pbGUiXSwiaWF0IjoxNjk4MTU5MDQ0LCJleHAiOjE2OTgxNjI2NDQsInN1YiI6IjAxOGI2MjE2LTI3YTEtN2UyYi1hYTgzLTY3ZDdiYTUwMDk4MiIsImp0aSI6IjkxN2I1MDA1LTRjNWEtNDdiYy1hNDE5LTc4M2Y5MzI5ZTdkMyIsIm5hbWUiOiJwc2NrYXVnaHQiLCJlbWFpbCI6InNjb3R0aWN1c0Btc24uY29tIiwic2NvcGUiOiJkYXNoYm9hcmQifQ.jxtxzgi6N66OXaeEZwjH4i_wIxvGDak4iAh4XHICzdtQYKnqc4tvBmQ3xxyjvy_u_wmwOMdw_YJlqGwiWVL5TJyyVuHTBV8z-EuXxV-rIMR7OPMRTY6PfQ7r0d_ivUoTY1uX4FLvNdj2cNP6z_VczWGwKdMQ04UJ4jNSD-eVpLOF-bjd0_w9huOaMyepK8SFURGKpdZe5qKS8ahl4W7kOKbJHonQ8SVKI8Xr0Rp3gLM4B2PjkUZL0ImICxlLcpz3q0PdL54nEU8iGFnlSrppAD5VzYK1H9Wfa9ycGDkSWGP4IejD7hHX3xAv-M8Uo1n2W-Pw4hECHkWInNHtmlRQZw",
"maxAge": 3600,
"type": "ACCESS_TOKEN"
Use the JWT as a Bearer
token in the Authorization
header of subsequent requests.
curl '<string>/databases/<string>/users/me' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <string>'