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Gwen Shapira

Announcing: PostgreSQL Extension Store

At Nile, we want developers to build B2B applications faster on PostgreSQL. Since the fastest and most reliable code is the code you don't have to write, we've expanded our support for PostgreSQL extensions, enabling new use cases and providing greater flexibility for multi-tenant applications. This includes:

  • 35 extensions (and counting)
  • No need to build or install them, available out of the box for all Nile customers
  • Friendly UI for exploring and trying out extensions in the Nile console

These extensions cover a wide range of capabilities, from AI-powered vector search to geospatial analysis, full-text search, advanced indexing, and specialized data types.

The Power of PostgreSQL Extension Ecosystem

One of the reasons PostgreSQL has remained a top choice for developers is its modular architecture. Unlike monolithic databases, PostgreSQL was designed from the ground up to be extensible. It allows developers to add custom functions, data types, index methods and even hook into core functionality such as query planning. This extensibility has fostered a thriving ecosystem of extensions that enable specialized functionality for various industries, from AI and machine learning to geospatial processing and financial analytics.

With extensions, developers can get advanced functionality out of the box and accelerate their development cycles while maintaining the reliability and ACID compliance that PostgreSQL is known for.

Example Applications Built with the Extensions in Nile's Extension Store

The power of PostgreSQL extensions unlocks countless possibilities for developers. Here are five example applications that leverage the extensions in Nile's Extension Store:

AI-Driven E-Commerce Search & Recommendations

By combining Pgvector for vector similarity search, Pg_trgm for trigram-based text matching, Fuzzystrmatch for approximate string comparison, and Pg_bigm for full-text search, developers can build intelligent search engines for e-commerce platforms and provide personalized product recommendations, auto-complete search, and context-aware filtering to enhance user experience.

For example, here's how to create a multi-tenant product search with smart ranking:

-- Create a tenant-aware products table with vector embeddings
CREATE TABLE products (
    id UUID DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
    tenant_id UUID NOT NULL,
    name TEXT,
    description TEXT,
    embedding vector(5), -- for example purposes, we use a smaller vector size
    price DECIMAL(10,2),
    created_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT now(),
    PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, id)

-- Create a tenant for the example

INSERT INTO tenants (id, name) VALUES
('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', 'Example Tenant');

-- First, let's insert some sample products
INSERT INTO products (tenant_id, name, description, embedding, price) VALUES
    'Classic Blue Jeans',
    'Comfortable straight-leg blue jeans made from premium denim. Perfect for everyday wear.',
    '[0.12, 0.45, 0.82, 0.31, -0.15]'::vector,
    'Vintage Blue Denim Jacket',
    'Retro-style blue jean jacket with brass buttons and classic collar design.',
    '[0.15, 0.41, 0.75, 0.28, -0.22]'::vector,
    'Slim Fit Dark Blue Jeans',
    'Modern slim-fit jeans in deep indigo wash with stretch comfort.',
    '[0.11, 0.48, 0.79, 0.35, -0.18]'::vector,
    'Blue Jean Shorts',
    'Casual summer denim shorts with distressed details and rolled cuffs.',
    '[0.09, 0.38, 0.71, 0.25, -0.20]'::vector,
    'Black Leather Jacket',
    'Premium leather motorcycle jacket with silver hardware.',
    '[0.52, -0.15, 0.22, 0.18, 0.65]'::vector,

-- Example multi-faceted search query
WITH combined_search AS (
            -- Combine different similarity metrics
            (1.0 - (p.embedding <=> '[0.12, 0.45, 0.82, 0.31, -0.15]'::vector)) * 0.4 + -- Vector similarity
            similarity(p.name, 'blue jeans') * 0.3 +                     -- Fuzzy text matching
            word_similarity(p.description, 'blue jeans') * 0.3           -- Word similarity
        ) as total_score
    FROM products p
        p.tenant_id = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000'::UUID
        AND (
            p.name % 'blue jeans'  -- Trigram matching for typos
            OR to_tsvector('english', p.description) @@ plainto_tsquery('english', 'blue jeans')
    total_score as score
FROM combined_search
WHERE total_score > 0.3
ORDER BY total_score DESC

Real-Time Location-Based Services

PostGIS, H3, and PgRouting enable applications like real-time ride-sharing, logistics optimization, and geospatial analytics, allowing businesses to make smarter location-based decisions. Combined with IP4r, developers can also build location-based recommendation systems that use IP addresses to determine the location of users and provide personalized recommendations based on their location.

For example, here's how to create a ip-based store lookup system:

-- Create tables for stores and delivery zones
    id UUID DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
    tenant_id UUID NOT NULL,
    name TEXT,
    location GEOMETRY(Point, 4326),
    delivery_zone GEOMETRY(Polygon, 4326),
    h3_index H3Index,  -- H3 cell for efficient proximity searches
    PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, id)

-- Table for IP ranges and their locations
CREATE TABLE ip_locations (
    tenant_id UUID NOT NULL,
    ip_range ip4r,
    city TEXT,
    location GEOMETRY(Point, 4326),
    PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, ip_range)

-- Insert sample data
INSERT INTO stores (tenant_id, name, location, h3_index) VALUES
    'Downtown Store',
    ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-122.4194, 37.7749), 4326),  -- San Francisco
    h3_lat_lng_to_cell(POINT(37.7749, -122.4194), 9)  -- Resolution 9 H3 index

INSERT INTO ip_locations (tenant_id, ip_range, city, location) VALUES
    'San Francisco',
    ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-122.4194, 37.7749), 4326)

-- Find nearest stores for a given IP address
WITH user_location AS (
    SELECT location
    FROM ip_locations
        tenant_id = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000'
        AND ip_range >> ''::ip4
        ST_Transform(s.location::geometry, 3857),
        ST_Transform((SELECT location FROM user_location), 3857)
    ) / 1000 as distance_km,
    ST_AsGeoJSON(s.location) as location_json
FROM stores s
    s.tenant_id = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000'
    AND ST_DWithin(
        (SELECT location FROM user_location),
        5000  -- 5km radius
    s.location::geometry <-> (SELECT location FROM user_location)

Secure Identity Management System

With Pgcrypto and Uuid-ossp, developers can ensure strong encryption, secure authentication, and safe user data storage, critical for fintech and enterprise applications.

For example, here's how to create a secure accounts table with encrypted sensitive data:

-- Create a secure accounts table with encrypted sensitive data
CREATE TABLE accounts (
    id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
    tenant_id UUID NOT NULL,
    email TEXT NOT NULL,
    password_hash TEXT NOT NULL,
    ssn TEXT,
    created_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT now(),
    PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, id)

-- Example: Insert a new account with encrypted data
INSERT INTO accounts (
    -- Hash password with a random salt using blowfish
    public.crypt('secure_password123', public.gen_salt('bf')),
    -- Encrypt SSN with AES-256
    public.pgp_sym_encrypt('123-45-6789', 'your-encryption-key')

-- Example: Verify password for authentication
FROM accounts
WHERE tenant_id = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000'
    AND email = 'jane.doe@example.com'
    -- Compare password against stored hash
    AND password_hash = public.crypt('secure_password123', password_hash);

-- Example: Decrypt SSN when needed (with proper authorization)
    public.pgp_sym_decrypt(ssn::bytea, 'your-encryption-key') as decrypted_ssn
FROM accounts
WHERE tenant_id = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000';

Build Smarter with Nile

By adding support for these 35 PostgreSQL extensions, we're making it easier for developers to build feature-rich, reliable and scalable applications without managing complex database infrastructure. Whether you're working with AI, geospatial data, financial analytics, or custom search solutions, we are sure these extensions will help you build better applications faster.

Ready to get started? Try Nile today.